

Keep Your Loved one’s Connected

The problem FamSafe solves

Communication Breakdowns:
Difficulty reaching family members promptly during emergencies due to communication issues.
Worry about the well-being of unresponsive family members during extended periods.
Concerns about Inactivity:
Difficulty mobilizing nearby contacts or friends for assistance in emergencies.
Limited Support Network:
Difficulty Tracking Loved Ones:
Challenges in tracking family members' real-time locations, especially during travel.
Uncertainty during Travel:
Anxiety and uncertainty among family members regarding the safety of traveling loved ones.

Challenges we ran into

Connect google maps API's to our android application, implementing algorithms to check the person's last location activity etc.

Tracks Applied (1)

The top 3 teams will have a chance to secure funding worth $125,000.

Our project, FAMSAFE, a Family Safety Companion, serves as a vital tool in keeping loved ones connected and ensuring the...Read More

