fake product detection

fake product detection

Our project is about fake detection of original and genuine products which are always circulated in the market. With the help of this technology we can detect fake product and dont fall in trap.


The problem fake product detection solves

In this project, we have made the detection of fake products with the help of blockchain technology. Our method is to store the supply chain of products at every stage of the transaction of a product to a new party with the help of a QR code. Blockchain helps us to store the supply chain of products as a blockchain-based system makes a decentralized system and one of the main advantages of blockchain is that if the data is recorded in the system then nobody can change it at any cost so it makes our data more secure and protected from the third parties.

Challenges I ran into

it was difficult to to get the accurate prediction of fake product but with help of github and code we made it

Technologies used
