Fake News Verifier

“AI-NV” (pronounced - AINV, full form – Artificially Intelligent News Verifier


Fake News Verifier

“AI-NV” (pronounced - AINV, full form – Artificially Intelligent News Verifier

The problem Fake News Verifier solves

News, it’s a topic so common that any information worded in just the right way can sound real, true, and right from the source. In the age of social media where all information can be shared to multiple users on just one tap, recognizing whether the latest warning message you received on your WhatsApp or the latest news article heading on your Google News feed is true or just a hoax, is a herculean task on its own.

Our solution to this problem is “AI-NV” (pronounced - AINV, full form – Artificially Intelligent News Verifier), our amalgamation on various new cutting technologies coming up in the Machine Learning and Cloud Architecture fields.
