Fake News Detection

The project mainly focuses on handling huge amounts of text data, extracting meaningful info from it using methods like lemmatization, stemming, tokenization then passing it to model to do predictions

The problem Fake News Detection solves

  • You can use this project and it the feed the news you can want to know whether the news is reliable(0) or unreliable(1).
  • The model used in this project can handle huge streams of data hence making it effective to process large datasets.
  • It also automates the process of manual identification of news authencity.
  • The approach used in this project, can be used to process kinds of text data for required use.

Challenges I ran into

  • This is my first machine learning project which uses pure text data.
  • I had to go through many new techniques which are used for processing text data like stemming, lemmatization, tokenization etc.
  • Using these to extract meaningful data as features to make final predictions
  • I learned soo much while doing this project.
