problem statement targets two main problems faced by the Organisations or Companies while Connecting & recruiting:
Effective Recruitment & Ensuring Employees Safety Problem statement 1: Getting right person for a particular job has been a challenge for the Organisations. Once if the candidate confirms & starts to work too in starting with all the interest, pretty well only to figure out later that they either aren’t cut out for it or don’t find it challenging enough and leave. Premature resignations like these hurt a business’s retention efforts. Business try keeping their employees by old tricks like giving health benefits and other onboarding programs. But these don’t guarantee the employees retention. Other reasons why may employees quit early include the following: • They realize that they don’t like the work environment • The job description didn’t reflect the work they have been doing • The job wasn’t exciting enough Problem statement 2: As after employees are shortlisted and become regular, they face some other issues in which the most common in market is safety of employees from accidental and health issues. For businesses that send employees off on the fields to work in hazardous conditions, safety is a top priority. However, accidents still happen and fatality rates in certain industries remain high. In dangerous worksites like oil rigs, for example, regular safety briefings and drills may keep workers aware of the potential dangers of their jobs but they still find themselves ill prepared to act when things really do turn out for the worst. Solution: How can VR help in this regard? By providing promising candidates a virtual workspace that will help them experience their roles before they actively participate in it and can also be used as for training purposes for trainee/Employee. This workspace just not would end here but can also be extended in order to help the employees in their safety in by making a virtual workspace of the office or meeting room.
A-Frame is still a developing platfofrm for creating the vr/ar stuffs. But the only pro it has is the web based performance which lets it to run on cross-platforms. Assets aren't available so we tried to code by our own modified files.