
Discover our project: FaceLogix. Experience accurate face recognition and detection technology. Identify faces in images or videos for enhanced security and personalized user interactions.



Discover our project: FaceLogix. Experience accurate face recognition and detection technology. Identify faces in images or videos for enhanced security and personalized user interactions.

The problem FaceLogix solves

There can be multiple uses for such a software. Since our project only identifies as many people as there are pictures already registered on the system, we can use it for purposes such as multi face-unlock for same device/websites/applications. Other uses include- Attendance tracking system, security verification system and many other.

Challenges we ran into

We had trouble feeding the data using ML models for verification and since our laptop is not of the highest specification, the program lags a lot.

Tracks Applied (2)

Open Innovation Track

Since our project does not fit any other track, we decided to put our project into Open Innovation track.

Beginners Track

This is our very first hackathon and we are all very new with technology and building this was a struggle for us. We ope...Read More
