Face Detection Website

This Website detects a face whether it is present or not and also tells us whether this is a human face with a probablity.A current useful website can be built based on the functionality and tech used

The problem Face Detection Website solves

You can use the functionality and the technology of the project to make your own websites.For Ex: It can be used in MNC or any other places to detect at the entrance whether this is a human or robot.You can even detect any ID Card.Many ways are there to use this website.It can help a lot in the coming years.It will be need for many customers or companies or even exam centers to detect the faces digitally.This website can even do a live face detection using a camera which i need to update in the coming days.

"Great opportunities to help others seldom come!"

Challenges I ran into

Backend had many poblems (Solved it completely) even the Api used but i had done troubleshooting due to which the website might not contain many bugs.A few might be present.The website keeps all the accounts safe and secure.
