Exam Preparation App

Exam Preparation App

I developed two android apps which included easy to read, visually appealing exam preparation materials of the subjects English and Nepali literature for high school students all inside an app.


Created on 5th January 2023

Exam Preparation App

Exam Preparation App

I developed two android apps which included easy to read, visually appealing exam preparation materials of the subjects English and Nepali literature for high school students all inside an app.

The problem Exam Preparation App solves

During exam time, students do not have the time to read through all the chapters in detail. So they prefer to read short summaries and important questions from the internet. While doing so , they have to go to a lot of websites to find the required material. To solve this problem, I developed an app that included all the necessary materials according to the syllabus in one place so that students could revise quickly and prepare for the examination.

Challenges I ran into

I ran into a few challenges while doing the project. I was using the platform Cordova to build my app and since it was on the decline it was difficult to search for the solution of bugs I faced in my code. Nevertheless through continuous dedication and determination of completing the project, by reading the documentation and many articles I found a way to solve those problems.

Technologies used


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