Created on 27th December 2021
Peoples can use it for organizing online exams with ease and can easily maintain student's submission record.
It decreases cheating probability by providing AI based proctoring system.
It remind students before 15 minutes of exam start such that student doesn't miss exam.
It gives priviledge to teacher that he can update student's marks which decreases due to wrong question or any other issue.
The specific problem that we face while building this project is that while student submit any exam then how will it be store in datebase as many student gives same exam any a single question may have several options so simply storing all checked options with exam identifier and question identifier may increase redundency.
This problem can be solved by denormalizing the database and storing all the checked options of indivisual student in single attribute by seperating them using a specific character,server use this character to restore the student response in well defined structure.