Exam -Notification

Exam -Notification

A one-Stop solution to all exam notifications

Exam -Notification

Exam -Notification

A one-Stop solution to all exam notifications

The problem Exam -Notification solves

Usually, after 10+2 students go for competitive exams for entry into different colleges and if they are participating in more than one exam, going through different exam platforms seems like a big hazard and a mess, it end up taking a lot of times of the students at times they are don't even know if the website URL changes to tackle these problems and making it more time efficient of students we build this webapp

Challenges we ran into

At first, we built the web app in Reactjs but whenever we tried to fetch the source code of the websites it ended up giving a CORS issue , even after searching through the web we couldn't find a permanent solution, so we ended up making the project from scratch again and this time using just Node js libraries and modules we ended up with a module that can read the source code and can fetch the desired information and then we stored that information in a json file which we fetched using the script js and end up displaying the content

Technologies used
