ETH-SCHEDULE empowered with AI Chatbot is an Decentralised Application runs over ethereum blockchain , The admin can send a meetingscheduling link to the requested users, with a predetermined Ethers

Created on 29th May 2022



ETH-SCHEDULE empowered with AI Chatbot is an Decentralised Application runs over ethereum blockchain , The admin can send a meetingscheduling link to the requested users, with a predetermined Ethers

The problem ETH-SCHEDULE solves

ETH-SCHEDULE empowered with AI Chatbot is an Decentralised Application runs over ethereum blockchain
where there are two screens one for the admin and the other for the users . Users can schedule their meeting with the admin , where admin will be sharing the meet set up link to the users and users can create a appointment schedule there by paying the fees set up by the admin. Used Metamask for transactions.
The admin can send a meeting
scheduling link to the requested users, with a predetermined Ether
fees as a charge per unit time, and users can interact with AI chatbot
to clear their queries.

Tech stack used was :
Hardhat. : To setup the local blockchain and interact with the local blockchain account set up

Alchemy : To Deploy our smart contracts and make it available to the eth-network

Solidity for smart contracts : built a smart contract for for the dapp using solidity and deployed it

React for UI and wallet interaction

Material UI for design

Ether.js for communicating with blockchain

OS : Ubuntu

Code Editor : VS Code

Languages : Javascript , Solidity

Metamask (Wallet for transactions)

Link for the project : https://github.com/sandeepN06/ETH-SCHEDULE

It solves the problem of scheduling meet in a decentralised way

Challenges I ran into

Deploying smart contracts to alchemy.


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