Voters Name Service

Voters Name Service is a domain-based project where users can able to mint domain with ending as (".voter") and will also be rewarded with the domain name as an nft with some polygon design.

The problem Voters Name Service solves

As we know, Ethereum name service is pretty expensive and the issue of gas fees is always a headache, so we came up with the idea to make cheaper domains and a lot cooler than ENS. We provide name service with an nft which looks pretty cool and can be viewed on opensea testnet! We can also use the mainnet chain but it will cost some real money, so I have ignored this but still users can use with mainnet chain. Just a few lines of changes in code and it will good to go. For now, please use Mumbai polygon testnet to run the webapp.

Challenges we ran into

  1. While running the code, there were several bugs that we faced like alchemy API not being fetched, connecting the frontend of the project.
  2. Also while deploying the smart contract, we were not able to connect with polygon(Mumbai testnet) as we were running on a different network. Later, we found out the issue and added the required stuff to get going.
  3. I faced a lot of errors especially on the frontend part, where I have to connect wallet with matic. The tech stack was new for me and was able to solve reading some documentation and youtube videos.
  4. After hurdling for a week, was able to solve every problem and will give the credit to google, some youtube videos and of course hard work.
