Ethereum Blockchain-Dapp

"Our next-generation Voting Dapp" We aim to deliver safe and secure elections & at the same time, it does not compromise with speed and security using tech stacks such as Next.js, Web3,Metamask.


Ethereum Blockchain-Dapp

"Our next-generation Voting Dapp" We aim to deliver safe and secure elections & at the same time, it does not compromise with speed and security using tech stacks such as Next.js, Web3,Metamask.

The problem Ethereum Blockchain-Dapp solves

The problem Ethereum Voting Machine solves
Our project aims at cracking the code of the election problem in India which lacks security and cost-effectiveness which is a big problem in a country like India.
The project not only aims to supersede the current system of EVM-based blockchain system but also help to conduct safe and secure elections during dire circumstances of pandemics such as Covid-19.

How it makes Elections easier:-
Financial Sustainability: Our product does not require a high cost for making, since the major expenditure will be in the promotion and spreading awareness to the public.
Social Acceptance: The product will have a high acceptance ratio, especially after what happened in Bengal where goons took control of the EVM’S.
Safe and secure: Our project uses blockchain technology and uses Ethereum as its main net which makes it highly robust and secure.

The major crux of our working project includes the following details

  1. The voter interacts with the client-side, there is also an admin which starts and stops the election
    2)First of all, the admin starts the election after adding suitable candidates which are gonna sit for the election.
  2. After starting the election, the voter can register himself using the voter's page which exists separately from the admin
  3. The admin which acts as the authenticator authenticates and generates tokens that get verified
    by contracts and eventually, a block is created which represents a vote cast.
  4. The voter casts his vote and after the admin ends the election, the result is displayed on a new page.

We have implemented the project using the latest technologies and dependencies such as React, Nextjs, and web3 which ensures speed as well as security in the app.

Eventually, after implementation of all recommendations, this application would be robust enough to be used in a populous and diverse country like India

Challenges we ran into

While making the project in development, we faced many challenges.

1)Initially, the voting currency in our project used for transactions was Ethereum but due to its high gas fee and slow speed, it was not feasible for the masses to use it
Hence, we shifted to polygon for the transactions that reduced the transaction fee by 95% & now it takes only .3 rupee per transaction.

2)While sending the post request from the client-side to the backend part, in between these two, the code is venerable, and hence we tried using the RSA Authentication Algorithm where data gets encrypted once its goes out from and client-side and get decrypted only after reaching the smart contract.
Thus, preventing any point of unprotected data.
But, due to a shortage of time, we could not complete but will do this in the future.

3)Thirdly, there is no direct way of authentication of voters, so have currently the system of manually verifying the voters.
So, to overcome this we plan to include Microsoft Authentication and use the adhaar API to verify the voters automatically that will bring a 2-3 layer authentication.
As this Microsoft authentication technology is fairly new, it is taking us some time to make it work in the project.
Hence, it will be difficult for us to complete it within a short frame of time.

These were the 3 challenges we faced while making the project.

Now, once the project is completed, the major challenge will be to convince the masses and rural area population to use it.
Hence, after it gets successfully tested in many colleges and universities and other government officials.
We could spend money on making the people understand how to use it .
This would be done in a phased manner.
