Ether Wheels

Ether Wheels

EtherWheels: Drive Together, Securely on the Blockchain

The problem Ether Wheels solves

In today's fast-paced world, urban congestion, environmental concerns, and the rising costs of transportation are significant issues faced by commuters. Traditional carpooling systems often lack transparency, trust, and security, which hinders widespread adoption. Additionally, coordination between users can be challenging, and there is always the risk of unreliable or unsafe carpool partners. EtherWheels addresses these problems by leveraging blockchain technology to create a secure, transparent, and efficient carpooling platform. By ensuring that every transaction and interaction is recorded on an immutable ledger, EtherWheels enhances trust among users. This innovative approach not only reduces the carbon footprint by promoting shared rides but also provides a reliable and cost-effective transportation solution, making commuting safer, more convenient, and eco-friendly.

Challenges I ran into

The first challenge was deciding what all information do I have to store on the blockchain. According to that creating the smart contract and integrating it with the frontend was the real challenge... As I am not a blockchain developer. Then using NextJs14 was a bit challenge as most of the tutorials were of the previous versions and the folder structure was changed for the nextjs14 version. Getting open source API's for all the calculation was another challenge. By finding RapidAPI I got a limit of usage. like 10 per day or 100 per month so I created 3 accounts for the same. And the more the work the more challenges keep coming.

Tracks Applied (1)

Ethereum Track

EtherWheels is a pioneering carpooling platform that seamlessly integrates blockchain technology to revolutionize the wa...Read More

