Created on 1st July 2024
Ether Goals tackles the challenge of accountability and motivation in goal-setting by providing a financial incentive to achieve your objectives.
Participating in this Hackathon was both exciting and challenging. Here are some of the significant hurdles we encountered:
Team Formation: This was my second ever Hackathon, and unlike my previous experience where I worked solo, I had to form a team. Finding technical developers to help build out EtherGoals was particularly challenging because I'm not a very technical person. Initially, I struggled to find a partner, which led me to code the front end and a basic version of the Solidity contract using ChatGPT. However, the Solidity contract didn't work as expected, highlighting the limitations of my technical skills.
Collaboration: I eventually found a partner in the Telegram chat who helped me put together the Solidity contract. This experience was a significant step up from my last Hackathon project, as it involved learning to collaborate effectively with others. We had to coordinate our efforts and communicate frequently to ensure we were on the same page.
Deadline Pressure: As I'm writing this, we're racing against the clock to finish and submit EtherGoals before the Hackathon deadline. The time constraint added a layer of stress, but it also motivated us to stay focused and productive.
Technical Integration: Another major challenge was integrating various components of the project. Specifically, we faced issues with connecting the front end to the back end, particularly with the goal-setting time and Unix time integration. This required us to dive deep into the code and troubleshoot extensively.
Problem Solving: To overcome these challenges, we worked closely together, frequently hopping on calls to break down problems and find solutions. This collaborative approach was crucial in tackling the technical difficulties and ensuring the project came together smoothly.
Overall, these challenges tested our problem-solving skills and our ability to work under pressure.
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Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.