Eth Entry

Eth Entry

Our project built on Ethereum aims to deliver a transformative web3 solution to the challenges plaguing the traditional ticketing industry using technologies such as smart contracts and NFTs.

The problem Eth Entry solves

We address several challenges and their solutions:

Counterfeit Tickets

By using NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), each ticket is unique and ownership can be verified on the blockchain. This makes it nearly impossible to create counterfeit tickets.

Scalping and Price Gouging

We can program our smart contracts to enforce rules about ticket transfers and pricing, which could help prevent scalping and price gouging.

Trust and Transparency

All transactions are recorded on the blockchain, providing a transparent history of ticket sales and transfers.

Ownership Rights

NFTs can give digital ownership rights back to the consumers. For example, if a concert is recorded, the NFT could potentially include rights to a digital copy of that concert.

Secondary Market Profits

Artists and event organizers can program royalties into their NFTs, so they receive a percentage of sales every time the NFT is sold in the secondary markets.

Digital Artifact/ Collectibles:

Tickets for limited time events become artifacts. Minting a limited number of tickets for special events or occasions, making them exclusive collectibles.


NFTs are interoperable across different platforms. This means that tickets could potentially be sold or traded on any platform that supports the same blockchain and NFT standards.

Efficiency and Cost Savings:

By eliminating intermediaries and automating ticket issuance and
verification processes using smart contracts, the system can operate more efficiently and at lower
costs compared to traditional ticketing systems.

Enhanced User Experience:

A blockchain-based ticket booking system can offer a seamless and
user-friendly experience, with features such as easy ticket transfer, instant ticket issuance, and
real-time event updates.


The authenticity of tickets can be easily verified by checking their digital signatures
on the blockchain, reducing the risk of ticket fraud.

Challenges we ran into

One of the foremost hurdles we encountered was the integration between our frontend, powered by React, and the backend, fortified with Solidity. While React provided us with the dynamic user interface essential for a seamless ticketing experience, bridging it with Solidity posed a formidable challenge. Ensuring smooth communication between these disparate technologies demanded meticulous attention to detail and an intricate understanding of their respective architectures. Countless hours were spent debugging, refining, and optimizing this crucial connection to achieve the harmonious coexistence of our frontend and backend.

Another significant obstacle we grappled with was the integration of wallets, a pivotal component in the Web3 ecosystem. Connecting the wallet seamlessly with our platform was imperative for users to securely interact with their digital assets, including purchasing and transferring NFT tickets. MetaMask posed its unique set of challenges, necessitating thorough testing and iteration to ensure compatibility and user-friendliness across the board.

Perhaps the most intricate challenge we faced was the verification of NFT tickets, a cornerstone of our innovative ticketing solution. Implementing a robust verification mechanism required meticulous attention to security and integrity to prevent counterfeiting and unauthorized access. For this we designed a new form of QR-code verifiaction. This verification technique is unique and not applied till date.

In the end, our journey to deliver a Web3 alternative to the traditional ticketing industry was not merely a testament to technological prowess but a testament to the power of human ingenuity and collaboration.

Thus, we got over every obstacle we faced.

Tracks Applied (1)

Ethereum Track

Our project aims to revolutionize the ticketing industry through Ethereum-based technologies within the Ethereum Track o...Read More

