Escape Ville

Escape Ville

Where VR meets mystery and horror: Escape Ville is an initiative to combine VR with horror escape rooms to provide players with a completely immersive experience that tests their navigation skills.

The problem Escape Ville solves

As the pandemic took over the world leaving no room for any kind of immersive experience capable of creating an impact on the memory and the hearts, monotony took over. While buzz words like ‘metaverse’ became the talk of the town, there were really few experiences where one could engage in a gaming experience that is immersive in a real sense.

Thus, embarking on the theme of RECREATION, to combat this problem, our team has come up with Escape Ville - a virtual reality game to dive into the world of horror and mystery. A game that can be played on both PCs as well as using head-mounted display devices (VR headsets), Escape Ville involves the navigation of a player through a horror ville by cracking deals with a dragon to open the doors of the castle.

Being executed in real-time surroundings, Escape Ville is an amalgamation of a thrilling real-time experience and gaming at its best.

Thus it solves the problem of lack of immersive recreational experiences that became even more relevant during the pandemic.

Note: The game can be played on PC by downloading the Submission Build given in the attached drive link. One the Submission Build is downloaded, extract the files and navigate to Submission Build > Escape Ville. Enjoy the riveting experience where the metaverse, horror and mystery are redefined!

Challenges we ran into

  1. The first major challenge was converting the game into a VR compatible experience. There were areas where the UI was only sitting right for 2D version of the game. Although implemented in VR, there are still areas in the game where the VR version experiences glitches and fails to function as expected.

  2. The team also experienced hurdles while creating the animations in Unity 3D using the Unity 3D animator.

  3. Certain areas of C# scripting were difficult to implement and thus required the team to go through the documentation over and over again and understand some core concepts.

Technologies used
