Erc20 Bridge

Near<>Eth bridge for token transfer. Near has reacently build near<>eth bridge. I am working on to create a simple erc 20 token and do trasnfer with video.


Erc20 Bridge

Near<>Eth bridge for token transfer. Near has reacently build near<>eth bridge. I am working on to create a simple erc 20 token and do trasnfer with video.

The problem Erc20 Bridge solves

Near is an unmatched blockchain base build, but the problem is its very new in space. There are lots of assets which needed to be moved from eth to near. For that, we need a simple bridge.

Near has lots of advantage in terms of speed, gas and UX. The good part is Near has recently built an ETH<>Near bridge. Here I have created an erc20 token in eth and used the bridge to swap on near. There is a cool video also. Please have a look at it.

Challenges I ran into

nothing.. things are made very well
