We have made a android app for fintech solution on stock market using front end, backend,block chain, Basic mathematical calculations and algorithms, Machine Learning modules

The problem EQT solves

We have made our app so that a common person unaware about the stock market trends can easily understand and invest in stock market. We have a server which stimulates the stock market and fetches the real time data from the stock market. we have full fledged front end of the app with sleek UI and UX. Along with this we have added an extra feature of user recommendations on particular stocks using block chain. ALso for the aid of commom people we have embedded an OCR in the app for the extraction of terms and conditions of a particular stock in which you want to invest

Challenges we ran into

Dealing with block chain, Fetching the real time data and creating the datasets for our backend and mathematical algos to work. integrating ML modules with app.
