
Ephelog is a browser extension that will provide a temporary login to an intended user for a restricted time frame.

The problem Ephelog solves

The problem addressed by the idea:
Usernames and passwords are ubiquitous today on possibly any website. In this online era, passwords are considered a mechanism of security. But often, one might come across a situation where he/she needs to share their login credentials to a friend, colleague or acquaintance. Most common practice is to change this password later. Not only that, it is possible that most people tend to keep similar passwords in different handles, putting them all at risk.

Our solution:
Ephelog or Ephemeral login is a browser extension that will provide a temporary login to an intended user for a restricted time frame. This way, there will no longer be the need to share the login credentials to anyone nor will there be a need to change it later. On using Ephelog the user is provided with a unique token that can be shared with the intended user. When he makes a call using a temporary login token, the call includes a session token, which is returned along with those temporary credentials.This is used to validate the temporary login.
These temporary credentials expire after a specified interval. After they expire, any calls made with those credentials will fail, so one must generate a new set of temporary credentials. Temporary credentials cannot be extended or refreshed beyond the original specified interval. A history of the login and the logout details is also recorded.

Challenges we ran into

Since the project makes use of session ids, there were several hurdles to the idea. In implementation point of view, accessing the cookie directly from the website was quite a task. We faced a few technical errors as well. But, we were able to solve them upto an extent.

Owing to the time constraint we had, it was not possible to complete the implementation, or to dissolve all the problems.
One of the major concerns that might arise regarding the tool would be its security concerns. To solve this, we would be using PGP encryption, to avoid middle-man data breaches. Another obstacle was the fact that not all websites use session ids now a days. Since we are currently working on the initial stage, we would be considering those websites with low security and user session id. In near future, this matter would be looked upon more and studied. We believe this can be solved by using website specific services through gateways. These are some challenges that we came across.
