
E-Pariksha - an interactive tool for teachers

The problem E-Pariksha solves

Ever since online education has been imposed, managing online examinations has
become a problem for teachers. It is hard for teachers to spend hours of screen time in
evaluating the answers of the students. Universities have their learning management
system in place but no provision is done for the examinations and they mostly rely on
google forms, where subjective questions are still a barrier for both students- in
explaining their concept by diagrams and teachers- for checking lengthy questions.

Proposed Solution:

Teacher as the time of evaluating papers
The teacher could upload the answer key with the right answers and
required diagrams in the system. Our system will use NLP, Bert Model to
summarise the lengthy Answer attempted by the student to compare the
answer in answer-key with the answer of the student answer sheet.
Meanwhile, Our OCR program will extract the labels from the diagram to
match those with teachers’ ones and Grading will be done automatically. If
summary and key-words in both the answers match then students will be
assigned good marks.
The teacher Could also check the summarized answer of the student by just a
a single click or could either check the full answer and that too on our web app.
While setting question-paper teacher can visit the website and can
sign-in/sign-up as a teacher and could create a test with objective,
subjective, and diagram-based questions.
Which could be available to students only after the key is entered by the

For students:

  1. Students are no more restricted to write the answers in online
    examinations only in the form of text. They can add flowcharts,
    labeled diagrams to make their answers more presentable.
  2. The student will get the results almost instantaneously if the teacher has selected an automated way of grading the

Challenges we ran into

we were unable to OCR the complex diagrams
