EnvironmentConnect (Provide by web3) Web app.

EnvironmentConnect (Provide by web3) Web app.

Let's Donate to rebuild nature!!

Created on 27th February 2023

EnvironmentConnect (Provide by web3) Web app.

EnvironmentConnect (Provide by web3) Web app.

Let's Donate to rebuild nature!!

The problem EnvironmentConnect (Provide by web3) Web app. solves

Description of Campaign -
EnvironmentConnect is a platform designed for web app users. In environmentConnect web app, we will provide the services for solving all the environment-related issues and tasks.

How EnvironmentConnect App Works-
These Services are in a form of Nft donations and in these Nft donations all world people buy our Nft ( it is a form of donation ) we stored these Nft amounts in a donation wallet and after collecting a certain amount in a charity wallet we provide these below services to the required places in all over the world.

NFT's Description-
Every Nft belongs to the particular issue (shown below) Every Nft buyer can check the Nft description and where the amount of Nft can be gone and sees where they are donating for the issue.

Description of all Environment issues solving Services in the form of Donation Nft’s–
Plantation services ( Donation Nft)
River cleaning Services ( Donation Nft)
Pollution ( C02 control) Services ( Donation Nft)
Park cleaning services ( Donation Nft)
Polyethene Recycle services ( Donation Nft)
Food Secure Services ( Donation Nft)

Plant services-
Problem -The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people.

Solution - In this Nft we provide more planting services in the whole world.

River cleaning Services –
Problem - Trouble Water pollution occurs when harmful substances—often chemicals or microorganisms—contaminate a stream, river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or other body of water, degrading water quality and rendering it toxic to humans or the environment.

Solution - In this Nft we provide many multiple resources to clean rivers in the world.

for more Description click here - https://github.com/Prashant830/EnvironmentConnect/blob/main/README.md

Challenges I ran into

I faced many bugs and challenges to build this project.But two major bugs that i want to mention here, first was connecting meta mask wallet in my project and the second one was connecting our smart contract to the frontend of my project.

Meta Mask Wallet Connection-
Firstly, I Would try to connect my project to Meta Mask Wallet. I found many errors and bugs in my project building process,
So I searched about these errors on the internet then I found a Wallet Connect API named Moralis(Wallet Connct Api). After
using moralis I solved Meta Mask Wallet Connection error.

Smart Contract Connection in Frontend-
Firstly, I Would try to connect ERC-20 Smart Contract( In the Form of ABI ) to my project frontend. I found many errors and
bugs in my project building process, So I searched about these errors on the internet then I found a library named Ether.js.
After using Ether.js library I solved the connection of smart contract to frontend of my project in a very simple way.


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