Entry gate for outsiders in COVID-19 pandemic

If any person enters the gate it provides temperature checking if it's more than normal level than entry is prohibited and then there are 3 sanitizer showers are available for sanitization.

Created on 30th August 2020


Entry gate for outsiders in COVID-19 pandemic

If any person enters the gate it provides temperature checking if it's more than normal level than entry is prohibited and then there are 3 sanitizer showers are available for sanitization.

The problem Entry gate for outsiders in COVID-19 pandemic solves

It's a fully automatic machine that will reduce the manpower. it can be used at residence buildings, schools, colleges, hospitals, social functions, religious gathering, bus stations, railway stations, airports, tourist places, workplaces, etc. in today's life, man can forget these habits but this machine cant and nowadays it's necessary like it is new normal. it is easy to operate and it will take space just like a conventional entry gate. it's a plywood setup. steps are so quick for 2 to 3 seconds that will save time. this is accurate as well. this is the best screening option we can introduce in our day to day life in this pandemic. the movable robotic arm will first detect human presence with the help of a photoelectric sensor and then it will detect temperature with the help of an infrared temperature sensor if it's more than normal level it will make an announcement through speakers available there and a person can not enter because sliders will not open.

Challenges I ran into

Errors like refilling of sanitizer tank through the opening present on the side of the gate. both sensors, robotic arm, sanitizer showers, sliders will get power from AC source for that adaptors are fitted in all equipment. all individual parts like both sensors, motors, sanitizer showers, wires, robotic arm, are available for changing if an error occurs. if any error occurs there is a manual switch available to open the sliders.


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