
An all-inclusive E-platform

The problem Enable solves

What inspired us?

A lot of emphases has been given to online classes and meeting during this lockdown period but three major issues we have faced is of :

  1. Lack of resources in terms of devices or Internet availability & stability
  2. Ability to memorize the explanation given during classes; and
  3. The drawback for differently-abled section of our society.

What did we do about it?

So we came up with the idea of Enable - a platform that attempts at bridging existing gaps that were convenient till now.

  • Enable converts speech to text which is used to create live transcripts that take lesser data and serve as real-time notes so you don't need to memorize anything. It can also be printed so the students never miss out on the important stuff.
  • This transcript also comes in printable braille and sign language variants to help the differently-abled.
  • We went another step further by creating a sign language to text interpreter to help differently-abled teachers.
    And all this amazingly uses no extra internet because we are the ones who understand (point) 1 to be a major issue.

Who are we targetting?

So we believe overall this product can be used to gather notes without internet at hand, give the differently abled a better edge at inclusivity and penetrate an existing market which can attract users from diverse backgrounds including education, corporate and government even till United Nations.

Challenges we ran into

The major challenge was to make this project light and not dependent on internet. So we had to use libraries which used minimum internet in order to carry out the task. We could not use any APIs as they'd require the use of internet. Secondly creating sign language transcripts was rather difficult because there wasn't any existing font for it and the ones which resembled closely weren't legible. So we had to scout images which were clear and could be used and yet maintain uniformity. The next challenge was the sign to text converter. We had to design a model what was fast and accurate to differentiate between words and spaces and we somehow did a decent job at it. Since it's already a challenge to create a level playing ground for those who are differently abled, we believe we did give a great start to the initiative to bring about some attention towards this as this might be the new normal for a while now.
