

EmpowerHer: Women's Rise, Reach the Skies!

The problem EmpowerHer solves

Our Track: Women Empowerment

Lactation Center Locator: Connects breastfeeding mothers with nearby centers in Delhi NCR, ensuring they receive necessary guidance and support for nurturing their infants' health.

Diverse Chat Rooms: Cater to various interests like cooking, self-care, entrepreneurship, fitness, technology, and travel, fostering a supportive community for women to connect, share, and grow together.

Know Your Legal Rights: Provides comprehensive information and resources, empowering women to advocate for themselves and access justice by addressing the lack of awareness about legal rights.

Resource Hub: Offers a wealth of educational materials, articles, and tools covering topics from career development to mental health, providing women with essential knowledge and support to thrive.

Menstrual Tracker Calendar: Helps women monitor menstrual cycles, track symptoms, and prioritize their health and well-being, addressing the overlooked aspect of menstrual health.

Helpline Numbers: Provides immediate assistance by offering helpline numbers for awareness, connecting women with organizations and services for guidance, counseling, and support during crises.
Daily Scheduler: Assists women in managing their schedules effectively, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance amid the challenges of balancing work, family, and personal life.

Through EmpowerHer, women access a comprehensive platform tailored to their needs, providing them with the tools, resources, and support necessary to realize their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

Challenges we ran into

Challenges We Ran Into:

  1. Challenge: Initially, we opted for Python and Django for authentication, but we encountered limitations.
    Solution: We transitioned to Firebase for authentication, offering a more seamless and robust solution.

  2. Challenge: Integrating Google Maps API key for location marking posed difficulties.
    Solution: We pivoted to a customized Google Map embedded directly onto our website, ensuring accurate and accessible location marking.

  3. Challenge: Initially, we assumed a single database could serve multiple chat rooms, but this led to uniform chats across all rooms.
    Solution: We restructured our approach by creating distinct projects under Firebase's real-time database for each chat room, ensuring tailored experiences.

  4. Challenge: Storing data for the Period Tracker proved challenging, with issues encountered in database storage.
    Solution: We innovated by exploring alternative methods to temporarily store the data, ensuring continuity in functionality.

  5. Challenge: User authentication data wasn't persisting during signup, while user details were successfully stored in the database.
    Solution: Identifying the issue, we discovered that a security setting (False) was hindering database interaction, which we promptly adjusted to True, resolving the issue effectively.

Through perseverance and adaptive problem-solving, we overcame these challenges, ensuring the smooth functioning and user experience of our platform.
