
A website that helps users know their impact on the environment and helps set emission standards for themselves.

The problem Emissionnaire solves

In simple terms: Reduction of GHG emissions; based on the concept that household emissions when worked on collectively can contribute to a great reduction in the overall ghg emissions of a country. We believe that at this point in time most citizens are aware of the impact that their emissions have on the world as a whole and most, if not all would love to look for alternatives to reduce and keep track of their emissions. These citizens are our target audience. Our ultimate goal is to keep them engaged and make them stick to their reduction goals.

The credit system helps the user to abide to their maximum emission level every month. Each credit will have a value of 1kg of one carbon dioxide equivalent and based on each household's emission, credits will get deducted from the total alloted. A rollover of 25% of the leftover credits to the next month is also implementable. Based on the saved credits, individual households will be given a rank which will be displayed on the leaderboard.

We also integrated a news aggregator which collected news from an environmental website DownToEarth and displayed the headlines for the benefit of each user's knowledge. Along with this we also had a chatbot that suggests fixes to the lifestyle of individuals to bring down their carbon footprint. This chatbot also calculates daily and weekly emissions from transportation, electricity, LPG, etcetera; given the correct input.

Challenges we ran into

The first problem was with selecting the IDE. Initially, we used GoormIDE,. However, as it did not support aws-amplify, we shifted to AWS Cloud9. But due to inadequate memory, we couldn't continue with it. So we finally decided to run the web app on a local server. After this, we had a problem incorporating AWS-Amplify Cognito(for verification purposes), so we created a local database using JSON for storing all the user data. As we were using a Django server instead of node.js, we faced a problem exporting the JSON file due to the unavailability of require().
