Emergency Ring

The Key to Safety is in your Hands!!

The problem Emergency Ring solves

Consider an emergency situation if no-one is around and somebody snatches your bag and phone or hold you tight or try to kidnap you wil it be possible for you to take out you phone and call for help, i think it would be impossibe to do so in such situations. Here is when our ring will come into action, It will be just like a normal ring with a button, if an emergency situation occours the person wearing the ring can just simply press the button and then the current gps location will be sent to a particular person with an emergency sms sent to the Registered Number warning them about the danger. Also the information about the person and his live location will be hosted on a webpage that can be accessed by the police to save the person from danger. In this way we plan to provide safety and security to the user also focusing on the Women safety from crime against women.

Challenges we ran into

The biggest challenge was to generate the link for live location using Hardware, it was a bit tricky like we have API for that but we decided not to use any internet connection(reason for this is explained in the later part of the answer) so we had to generate the location link using the hardware, and when i got the solution i was just laughing, i saw that any Google map url was of the form "https://www.google.com/maps/latitude,longitude" so we got the latitude and longitude from the GPS module as string and concatenated it to the url and it solved our problem. Then there was a discussion to choose between the Gsm Module and the API for sending the SMS but finally we chose to use Twilio Rest API as it was convenient and also reduced the cost of the project. Using iframe (for displaying the map) in the webpage also gave some problems but we fixed it using a browser extension. We decided not to use Internet and also not to connect to the phone or anything our aim was to build the hardware that can do all the work from getting the location to transmisson on its own because in many places there are neither GSM nor internet signals so we chose Radio Frequency as the method for communication in this way we can transmit the signals to the terminal without depending on any external connectivity, and then the computer terminal has the internet and will send the sms and Webpage. This is a project but we really want to develop it as a product that can benefit the people so a few changes are still to be made, we look forward to design our own coustom PCB and reduce the size of the Band(the refrence is in the video provided) also we will work on an antenna design (preferably a Microstrip Patch Antenna) to achive the maximum transmission range in the minimum size. It will be a tricky way from the project to the product but our team will try to make it to the finish line :)
