
The One-Stop solution for making our medical system more efficient, transparent and accountable.



The One-Stop solution for making our medical system more efficient, transparent and accountable.

The problem Elixir solves

We present Elixir, a one-stop platform to combat several administrative issues that plague our medical system. The second wave of covid-19 shed a light on some of the dark practices being undertaken by hospital administrators and government officials. False information regarding the number of ICU beds, oxygen cylinders and vaccines was given to the public which led to black-marketing for several crucial supplies. We plan to tackle this lack of transparency, honesty and morality by using blockchain technology.
We plan to use blockchain technology to make the supply chain of medical supplies much more efficient and decentralized. This will allow us to keep track of the essential supplies at all stages, from manufacturing to delivery to the patient. Using our platform, patients would be able to subscribe to a particular blockchain and check the availability of resources at any given hospital thus leading to a transparent flow of information. In addition, anytime a hospital runs low on resources, the nearby hospitals are informed so that they can prepare themselves for an increased number of patients and ramp up resource acquisition in advance.
Another issue that we plan to tackle is that of claiming medical insurance. This process has always been one full of hassles for the family of the patient who has to deal with cumbersome procedures along with mounting emotional and financial pressures. We plan to use smart contracts to automate this process.

Challenges we ran into

We faced the following challenges while building this project:

  1. We learnt the working and intricacies of blockchain, it's advantages and disadvantages. In addition, we had to learn Solidity to go ahead with deployment of smart contracts and using Blockchain to build our hack.

  2. Integrating Solidity Smart Contracts and Meta Mask wallets with the rest of our project proved to be a challenge. Being new to Blockchain and smart contracts in general led to this being a relatively difficult and complex task for us.

  3. Figuring out the Architecture of the Hack and the flow that we wanted to achieve, and implement it using various technologies proved to be a challenge. Since we took up a relatively vast solution to a vast complex problem statement, it was challenging to integrate multiple functionalities into a single platform.
