Created on 16th February 2020
Various industries and domestic factions run into problems with varying degree of significance by receiving no warnings about electricity outages. Electricity boards and government offices are often understaffed and unwilling to go out of their way to warn citizens. This may cause problems like inconvenience to students and educational institutes, retail stores etc. We can imagine more significant issues caused in Hospitals and the labour industry where critical operations depend on the surety of availability of electricity. It is a common practice to blame power outages on the 'big boys in the office' but according to a study conducted by Climate Central, 80% of electricity outages between the year 2003-2012 in USA were caused by the weather. This is why we take into account various components of the weather during our predictions.
Institutes and workshops can make use of this to know if there is a chance of an outage when they are conducting an activity or examination which depends on the availability of computing equipment.
Medical hospitals can be prepared with enough generator power to sustain them through an emergency outage situation.
Industries and such can plan alternate methods of turnover and customer interaction in case their online operations go down. Companies looking to open new operations in a region can be aware of the current and future predicted electricity outage frequency and plan accordingly after considering their own added electricity consumption. This makes them more liable for the well being of the society and assists us in understanding effects of our industrialisation over the years.
Household activities can also be assisted by making use of our application. Working of an electric pump, water heater, oven, electric stoves etc. can be stalled because of untimely outages. Members of the household can be warned beforehand, allowing them to make necessary arrangements!
So this application allows us to make smarter life choices.
We ran into a good number of challenges while scrapping and training the data and also while making the front-end for this application.