

Electrode is a decentralized electricity trading platform. It is a local P2P platform which brings the opportunity to engage in a true form of energy trading without the need of an intermediate.



Electrode is a decentralized electricity trading platform. It is a local P2P platform which brings the opportunity to engage in a true form of energy trading without the need of an intermediate.

The problem Electrode solves

In this project, our aim is to bridge the gap between individuals with access to abundant electricity resources and those facing electricity shortages.

Challenges we ran into

Our main concern lies with the security of the smart meter and to make all the transaction immutable, transparent and tamper-proof manner.

Tracks Applied (4)

Ethereum Track

Build and deployed our smart contracts on etherium and used ERC20 coins to build tokens of our electricity platform.


Best Use of MongoDB Atlas

We have used mongoDb for user information storage.

Major League Hacking

Best Domain Name from GoDaddy Registry

We deployed and hosted our website on godaddy.

Major League Hacking

Best Use of Auth0

Authentication use case with mongodb and register and login purpose.

Major League Hacking
