In recent times due to COVID-19 most of the people die due unavailability of proper diagnosis and medical services. During these times, going to the hospital for minor diseases can be pretty dangerous so we have made this self-assessment app which could diagnose around 41 diseases knowing the symptoms of the disease. This could be very helpful in those regions where proper medical services are not available in hand. It also helps find nearby hospitals (eye clinic, heart clinic etc). which could be helpful to people who are new to a place. We have also created a chatbot alongside this application to provide helpful information regarding COVID-19. This will also help spread awareness among the general population.
The most difficult challenge was finding the data because to make the model work accurately we needed a large amount of data for that purpose we scraped various websites and finally merged all the data.
We used both ML and DL models for prediction but to find which model is accurate we released the app in a testing phase where we shared the app with our family members and friends who had medical expertise for few hours to receive reviews.
After analyzing the results obtained from the database we found out the Best model and incorporated it into our app.