

edusphere is web3 social media dapp which lets users to upload and view notes.The platform lets students share their achievements and others in explore page also it allows students share there notes .



edusphere is web3 social media dapp which lets users to upload and view notes.The platform lets students share their achievements and others in explore page also it allows students share there notes .

The problem Edusphere solves

This is a decentralised platforms for students get together and join a community by getting rewarded for the contributions they post. Also integrated marketplace for students to resell theirused materials like books and instruments.

Challenges we ran into

Web3 is a whole new concept fo our team so the whole journey wwas a challenging hopefully we were able to tackle a few of them and sucessfully create an Dapp with a whole new technology.
The backend we used and the smart contract we used were a whole new concept for us it took a bit of time but we were able to study them and implement those in this project.
we also faced some issues regardin the git hub repository since we did the front end and backend in a separate repo and the contract in different the given links include the repo contains codes for front end code integrated with backend pinata and the repo with backend integration and the smart contract included in the packages folder. The notechain folder repo is locked cause of ourmistake giving wrong github commands but you could find the whole code inside the packages foldeer.
