
A webapp for students where one can easily share study materials , post ads for renting or giving away used books , also it comes with a student forum where one can clear their doubts easily .

The problem Edusera solves

In this era of online education the main thing students depend on for education is social media .For searching study materials , solving doubts, finding video lectures every time they depend on a variety of platforms on social media . The biggest disadvantage of doing this is the wastage of a huge amount of time . Be it distraction or addiction , a student ends up spending too much time on these social media platforms , So the main objective to take up this project is to provide the students an efficient and authorized application where they can easily share and receive educational contents which will save the student's time which they waste on social media . This platform will provide everything a college/school student shall need . Through this they can share pdfs(ebooks,notes etc)as well as video lectures and course links etc, they can ask their doubts in the students forum which can be cleared by the teachers/faculty members or the seniors . They can also have an option of selling and buying hard copies of books/notes etc with a direct one to one contact with the buyer and the seller . If a student moves to the next grade then s/he may post ads of his/her books which can be bought by any junior . This platform will mainly be an institution specific platform , so it can be monitored by the authority of an institution . This will make sure that there isn't any spam/misconduct by the students . We have also developed the app in such a way that students have little or negligible chances to spam . Also this app will help to establish communication between seniors and juniors where the seniors will be able to guide their juniors well via the student forum .

Challenges we ran into

The main challenge during this project was to stop the chances of spamming . Spamming here includes possibilities of posting inappropriate things or sending replies or asking questions repeatedly . So after a lot of effort we devised some ways of checking and preventing spams . We used a report feature for the pdf s and video links . i.e. if anyone sees an inappropriate content posted s/he can report it . The person who posted such things will get a warning by the report and that will ask the person to delete the post . If the person does not respond to the warning , then the authority members(admins of the app) have the option of banning the person for some days . Also if someone is wrongly reported then s/he may not delete the content and respond with 'OK' . The admin then can monitor the resource and take actions , also if someone is continuously reporting others without any reason then s/he can also be temporarily banned by the admin . The admin can easily view all these user activities through the database . Also there are numerous other spam checks or filters used in this app
