Created on 19th September 2021
Impresence of students won't be an issue:
Owing to the present scenario wherein online classes, the students bunk or miss their classes and experience a serious setback in their studies. Consequently, time heralds for a UI or a software where the students are obliged to attend the classes and solve few questions, of which a part when solved, mark them as present or absent as per the conditions set by the teachers.
No more monotonous pdfs:
While the students are provided with black and white boring pdfs, there is need to provide a platform where the students have the features available to customise the appearance of their pdfs and make it look much more attractive as per their choice. Besides, the pdfs would be presented as a documentation to help in easy and eye-catching apperance to them.
Losing track of attendance won't bother the students and teachers now:
As the online class will proceed, a questionaire will be sent in the live chat display with mcq options available as per the time set by the professors. Asnwering those questions would be necessary for the students to be marked present in the class. In addition to this, the solving of the questions would provide the benefit of ensuring that the topic has been fully understood by the students otherwise they'd have the option to opt for a doubt session from the professor. In the end, a report will be sent to the teacher to make the process feasible.
No need to mug up lenghty B&W boring pdfs.
The pdfs would be provided with documentation type format and various links for tests or questions to make it interactive.
Revision made easy with concise and interactive documentation:
Links for tests and quiz would be provided in the text to let the students calrify their topics and proceed with a live test environment.
Implementation of Media/ Video Streaming
Inclusion of media processing platforms such as Grass Valleys scalable, SasS platform of Agile Management Tools AMPP , Alibaba's Cloud Computing Media Processing Platform Apsara Video Media Processing. ABMP
Implementation of NGINX.
Media processing platform
Auth Implementation
Implementation of third party access Via Open Authentication OAuth most likely OAuth2.
Tracking attendance through questions solved and limiting percentage
Using services like Infowisesolution's Sharepoint through wihich a custom attendance tracking system can be build.
Mail Services
acquiring through Simple Emailing Services Amazon SES provided by Amazon Web Services.
Streaming video
Using and applying video calling and chat with Real-Time Communication webRTC and flutter_webRTC for the web and mobile devices techs like Agora Video SDK etc.,
Implementing the function to make the pdf responsive and user-friendly