Created on 16th November 2020
During this time of Pandemic, the Rise of Remote Education has instantaneously reached at its peak leaving the non-Technosavy Teachers and Students into Dark Times and Hardships. We emphathizing with all of them, have developed a complete Educare Application System which contains the most important tools for both the Teachers and the Students.
For Teachers:
Manual attendance is tedious and Time-consuming. Teachers spend their precious teaching time in administrative tasks. To tackle with these problems we have designed an AI attendance system, which uses Computer Vision and Machine Learning algorithms to mark the attendance of the employees or students of the organisation. We also have a geolocation system to track all the students in real-time.
For Students:
Getting a hold of Resources for Learning during the Times of Remote Education is pretty hard for Students. But not anymore. We have created a dedicated Book Resources Recommendation System which precisely provides the Students with the top rated matches with their search query.
Integrating OpenCV with Node Js Application for Facial Recognition System, Working through our First MLH Hackathon, Integrating various REST APIs. Overcoming all these problems was never an easy task, but behind all those sleepless nights stand an honour of joy and experience.