
A simple chrome extension to block distractive sites easily

The problem EduFocus solves

Are we distracted by websites namely social media, streaming platforms…?. Are you unable to focus on studies..? Surfing 5 or 10 minutes through that site sums to 1-2 hours a day. We Locators brings you Edu Focus - To say Focused. This simple web browser blocks such distractive websites for user fixed time and helps you to get 1-2 hours closer to success by saving that 1- hours a day
The same port that gives you instant access to a world's worth of researchpaper,Google docs and mails also serves up the constant temptations on Instagram,YouTube and Whatsapp.This extension will be helpful for all type of distractions.
This extension turns social posting into part of your everyday work flow rather than something you have set aside large amount of time for.This will be helpful for students, employees and enable them to manage their time effectively.

Challenges we ran into

One of our team member was not aware of the extension. So formation of this extension counts hardwork and determination of two members.She learners the extension from YouTube and tried to do sample projects for our extension.
Network issue become a great barrier for our completion.Since,offline classes have been commenced,net availability is very less compared as in our home.We managed this issue and successfully completed our project.

Technologies used
