Created on 4th September 2020
As we all know that due to pandemic and lockdown, students are facing a lot of problems in continuing with their studies, be it online or offline(in remote areas).
We believe that every child has the right to a quality education, no matter their circumstances.
We have gathered a lot of information and added a variety of sources and tools such as educational links and apps which are very much helpful and effective to use. This is for students not only studying in schools but also for those who are going for other higher studies.
For students in remote areas where the situation is really critical, as they can’t access educational material on the internet due to expensive internet subscriptions, we’ve added a section where people can donate their books and other necessary resources to help them continuing with their studies.
Our website also allows people who are available and can teach other students even in this pandemic, according to the favourable and suitable conditions.
We’ve also added a section where people can apply as a volunteer for a better progress in our motive.
The education industry has understood the true potential of educational apps. Our page does not only focus on providing a better education to the students but also we have mentioned various opportunities in the technical sectors which people can grab and make things more productful.
We are very sure that our website will be helpful for people in managing the studies in a better and more efficient manner!
Since our entire team is new to Web-D, we are only working on the front-end, it was difficult for us to store people's information using the back-end.
So we used Google forms to deal with this problem which was easily accessible by us.
Technologies used