
DApp for Educational Records

Created on 10th April 2021



DApp for Educational Records

The problem EduBlocks solves

There is no single place for storing educational certificates digitally which is safe, secure, tamper-proof and acceptable everywhere. EduBlocks is a DApp for organisations, educational institutes and students based on ethereum blockchain where educational institutions can grant degree certificates and marksheets to students. These certificates are given to students and file hash is maintained on the blockchain such that tampering is detectable. Students can further share these records to organisations like private companies, government, banks, etc.
1.Permanent record of certificate
2.Authorised college and organisations giving certificates

Security measures:
1.Permissioned blockchain
2.Issued document cannot be changed

Motivation to build:
Due to pandemic, we faced issue of losing our certificates in hostel. Fortunately we don't need it yet, but we thought about our future where we'd have to present those certificates. The only solution is to keep it digital, secure, carry-it-everywhere and verifiable.

Self-Sovereign-Identity supporter, Out of 10 principles, we are able to cover 8 of them:
i. Existence: Our platform will make certificates available digitally on an immutable blockchain
ii. Control: Students will have control over their certificates directly. They can share it with anyone.
iii. Access: Students will have access to their certificate, and no pandemic/disaster will stop them from getting access to their certificates
iv. Transparency: Colleges issuing certificates will be authorised (because of permissioned blockchain). No unauthorised/fraud institutes will be able to come onboard
v. Persistence: Certificate remains forever till the student has access to their private key
vi. Portability: Issued certificates will be connected to blockchain and are digitally stored, hence can be carried anywhere
vii. Interoperability: We are making standard structure of certificate, so that it is accepted even cross-border.
viii. Protection: No fraudulent institutes

Challenges we ran into

  1. Onboarding existing student
    Solution: College will onboard their students and give certificates through Edublocks.
  2. Standard format of certificates
    Solution: Putting general fields in structure, and backing it up by document hash for tamperproof.
  3. Faced ran out of gas limit error
    Solution: Added solc optimizer in truffle-config.js and cleaned build folder


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