Edubile App with built-in CMS and Smart Attendance

Education in your pocket.

The problem Edubile App with built-in CMS and Smart Attendance solves

Professors and Teachers rely on Content Management Systems for teaching students their course work via the online mode during the pandemic.
But this system comes with its fair share of troubles.

Students have to move across different platforms to get all their course work organized and in place. As well there is a fair share of inattentiveness observed among students while their Professors are giving their lectures.

We have tried to tackle this problem by creating a CMS which is called Edubile which comes from two words Education and mobile. So rather making a web app we have tried to make a mobile app for this as many of the students are not in a condition to afford laptops as it also puts Mobile-First Education in front. That is integrated with a smart attendance monitor which will give insights to a student's attentivity keeping their privacy concerns in mind. The CMS will support Livestream of lectures and chat along with storing the archives of past lectures, pdf, and assignments all in one platform. The Livestream quality can be chosen manually which will result in internet savings. Teachers can take the test here too.

Challenges we ran into

Front End taking longer than usual and is causing the project to slow down as a result. Counting the time for which the student was not attentive was a big challenge as the time was in very small intervals.

Time management and Work distribution were among the most important things that we learned from this hackathon (specifically from the challenges faced). The use of Git LFS for storing larger files was new learning as we never encounter this problem before.

In order to overcome the challenge of calculating the time of very small time intervals, we used a time multiplier. Further mathematics can be found in the documentation of the code.
