
The art of teaching is the art of Assisting Discovery



The art of teaching is the art of Assisting Discovery

The problem EdTube solves

EdTubE is an affordable video platform that will allow teachers to diversify their revenue sources and connect with their students at a more personal level.

"DON’T PUT ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET", these are the words to live by. The over reliance of small online educational institutes on a single platform makes the structure very unstable which is not a great thing as, if their institute closes down, the lives of not just the teachers but also their students can be derailed. As a solution we offer EdTube a video sharing and streaming platform specially for teachers and students where we provide not just the functionality to share videos but also to take live video chating sessions with the students.

Challenges we ran into

Video Calling and Chatting via django
Google Auth
Paytm Integration
Student and Teacher different categories of users
