
Admissions Re-imagined.

The problem EdMission solves

India is one of the largest markets for the K-12 school system in the world. An EY-FICCI report says the country has more than 1.4 million schools with a whopping 250 million students. But enrolling a child into school isn’t easy. The processes are long-winded, cumbersome, and taxing – reason enough to make school admissions the bogeyman for anxiety-ridden parents.
As if all of this wasn’t enough, the mighty pandemic was introduced and unfortunately, a developing country like India couldn’t cope with the new challenges at hand. Not only the healthcare, but the education sector also crippled and was exposed to its incapability to manage normal schooling.
The social distancing norms and lockdown guidelines have made it difficult for parents to run multiple rounds to schools for admissions, application submissions, and checking on seat vacancies. No local, state, or central body has yet come up with a systematic way of enrolling students into schools, lest increased the burden on the already worn-out parents troubled about their kids' education. The application also aims to facilitate the delivery of books, uniforms and other requirements of the student after his admission is approved, using hassle-free purchase directly through the app, only if a parent opts-in.

It solves the following problems :

  1. The long queue culture in front of school admission offices in hot summer, just to get the admission form, to submit it, and then to see if the admission is approved or not. This is a very common scenario in local private schools that don't own a well-maintained and paid website for admissions.
  2. Lack of transparency in the admission process, unequal opportunities of admissions for the under-priviledged. In reputed private schools, wealth and influence dominate the process due to which even the popularity of schools is compromised.
  3. Multiple payments and submissions for different private schools.
  4. Communication gap between the school office and the poor people.

Challenges we ran into

  1. As it was an online hackathon, it was difficult to communicate within the team.
  2. Since flutter has migrated fully towards null-safety, it was difficult integrating some outdated packages, like the RazorPay Payment Gateway.
  3. The UX had to be consistently taken care of since on mobile screens it was not possible to fill the entire application form at once, we decided to use swipeable cards for a friendly and better experience, thus replacing the boring admission form with a questionnaire.
