E.D.I.T.H (Inspired from Marvel )

Now, the visually impaired can see. (Who said they abnormal or are handicapped. We bring EDITH to their aid. The future of senses for the blind, deaf, mute to lead a normal, happy & a dignified life)


E.D.I.T.H (Inspired from Marvel )

Now, the visually impaired can see. (Who said they abnormal or are handicapped. We bring EDITH to their aid. The future of senses for the blind, deaf, mute to lead a normal, happy & a dignified life)

The problem E.D.I.T.H (Inspired from Marvel ) solves

Problem Statement:
• Globally, 2.2 billion people suffer from vision impairment of which India
accounts for 12 million individuals.Travelling alone and interacting with
surroundings are extremely challenging tasks for them.
• Constantly depending on another person for basic necessities is not always
convenient.Blind people are often scammed and mislead, thus they need
assistance for security insurance to be self-reliant.
• Visually impaired people face challenges in completing their daily chores and
interacting with their surroundings.
So do the deaf people when they are not able to hear.

The proposed smart glass "EDITH" is designed to work in 4 modes as mentioned below.
● Walking Mode: Real-time Obstacle detection,currency detection , Image
Recognition and feedback through voice assistance to avoid those obstacles in
front of the user.
● Reading Mode: Read texts/ Signboards and use of text to speech conversion to
provide real-time feedback to the user. Currency detection feature is also included
in this.
● SOS Mode: In case of an emergency, an alert will be sent to contact the guardian.
● Google Assistant Mode: In this mode user can access a virtual assistant to
perform tasks like Google map navigation, reminder and alarm etc.

Uniqueness & Innovation
● The model proposed in this report has been designed using a modular system
design approach to ensure user ergonomics and user comfort.
● The proposed smart glass is designed to work in 4 modes as mentioned below.

  1. Walking Mode: Real-time Obstacle detection and feedback through voice
    assistance to avoid those obstacles in front of the user.
  2. Reading Mode: Read texts/ Signboards and use of text to speech conversion to
    provide real-time feedback to the user.
  3. Google Assistant: Provide real time voice assistance to the user through google
    voice APIs
  4. SOS Mode: In case of an emergency, an alert will be sent to contact the

Challenges we ran into

The challenges that we majorly faced while making and building this project were:

Time Constraint: Such projects require a lot of time but we had to make this within 48 hours and that too in an online competetion wherein this was also a hardware solution so it was the biggest challenge to train the model in such less time and built it perfectly in the time of teh hackathon itself.

Training the Model: Training the model in so less time and that too with finese and accuracy was greatest deal for us and a hard nut to crack as there were a lot of signs and combinations for all the entire sign language and all the objects which was a very vast domain so it required a lot of time, but for now we have trained the model with more than a 1000 combinations and we will keep on doing this until we reach our desired goal.

Accuracy: Challenges we ran into were while training the model to get best accuracy and dealing with the pytesseract for image to text conversion and testing accuracy

Social Cause: As this project was built for such a greater cause so we had to deal with the sentiments of people and we couldn't even leave it because it was a solution for a greater audience and their problems so the social and sentimental causes attached to this project were also a big challenge but acted as a greater motivation as well.
