Any child who wants to receive education in subjects like mathematics or languages like english, can visit our site to find a collection of free open-source textbooks and other resources that do not necessarily follow a specific curricula, or testing system. They are self-paced and cover grades 6-10 in the standard education system. This is to provide an opportunity of learning to anyone who may not be able to afford a school-based education, home-schoolers as well as anyone who wants to enrich their existing learning process! There’s very little awareness about such resources in the market, and our website hopes to make it easy for children, especially of an underprivileged background to become literate.
Back end and Front-end were created separately. Therefore, we had to create an API to link python with html and js, made use of flask. Couldn't get a global link for the api because team members live in different locations, users cant access query using link (Error:CORS). Returned JSON file with api to front-end developer, who used it to format data according to the needs of our website.
The proxy to connect the react app to the server of the api wasn’t working.