E-Cycle (Recycle your E-waste)

The issue our website addresses are the importance of management of electronic waste and the lack of awareness. So the main idea was to connect e-waste producers and authorized recyclers.

Created on 23rd January 2022


E-Cycle (Recycle your E-waste)

The issue our website addresses are the importance of management of electronic waste and the lack of awareness. So the main idea was to connect e-waste producers and authorized recyclers.

The problem E-Cycle (Recycle your E-waste) solves

Despite the growing trail of e-waste people are unaware of how to deal with and dispose of the ever-increasing electronic waste in an eco-friendly manner. They just dispose it as regular trash not realizing how badly it affects our health as well as the environment. Our website helps by spreading basic awareness about e-waste. The user is provided with three options in dealing with their e-waste. They can either donate to NGOs if it's in working conditions, give it to e-waste management firms that recycle the old useable parts, or sell it directly to companies.
User is required to fill in basic information about themselves such as email and location earlier we were planning to get the specified location of the recycling factories nearby the user's location but the biggest challenge we faced was our lack of skills due to which we had to learn and make this project at the same time.
That is why we have started with the NCR region which shows the location of recyclings firms in Delhi and Noida later we can even expand to different cities as well.
I think it is an important topic because this is a rising issue that is eventually going to snowball into a huge problem if not taken care of now.

Challenges we ran into

The biggest challenge we faced was our lack of coding skills and knowledge to implement the ideas we had originally thought.
Being 1st year and not having any coding background we had little to no idea to make a project. So we not only had to make
the project in 2 days but also learn how to make it.
We decided to make a website on WordPress which doesn't require much coding but the problem was that the installation
process of WordPress shown in the youtube tutorial was old and there were some errors in installation and if we used the WordPress website it didn't allow us to use the plugin without upgrading our plan i.e. paying some amount to them.
so we shifted to another site called Wix where we could use some predefined widgets and features.
Our main idea of the project was to give the location of nearby electronic recycling centers to the users.
but we didn't know how to do so due to lack of knowledge. So instead of making a nationwide website made
a region-based website only showing locations of centers in NCR.


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