
Reuse, Recycle. E-cycle provides users options to donate or monetize their e-waste.

The problem E-Cycle solves

Almost 50 million metric tons of e-waste is disposed of every year. The environmental and health issues created by e-waste are really lethal. Every year only 12% of e-waste is recycled. The adversities are so high that just 2% of e-waste causes 70% of toxic waste. Also, people don't know what to do with their e-waste.

What E-Cycle does, is, it provides an infrastructure for companies to manage recycling without expending on setting up a huge human resource network.

E-cycle provides user options to donate or monatize their e-waste. A user need to first input their applaince details and select the way they wanna dispose the e-waste.

User can sell the reusable parts to repairers or 2nd hand parts dealer. The main motive of selling to repairers is that, it would help middle class people who can't afford expensive applaince parts to fix their applainces at low cost. This way user can get money from the useful parts of his e-waste.
User can or else return it to the company the applaince belongs to, to avail reward points. These points can be redeemed later for discounts or other stuff
If the product is in working condition, then the user can donate it to NGOs so that needy can use it.

Challenges we ran into

Integration was a challenge and the limited time.
