

It is a model which is responsive education data management of resources provided by the government are reached in the right hand and it also maintains all these data.

Created on 25th November 2022



It is a model which is responsive education data management of resources provided by the government are reached in the right hand and it also maintains all these data.

The problem Eco.portal solves

Government operates schools on central and district level where they found it very difficult to m manage there assets. Its also difficult to manage the operation of classes ,taking attendance , having accounts of how many classes are there ,how many labs are build and how midday meal is being delivered to each and every kid. There are approx. 15 lakh government schools in India. which require a system by which they can handle all the data in efficient way , This is where ECO-PORTAL comes in to the solve the problem

Challenges we ran into

There is no any security fundamental and data verification.This paper illustrates this process using a relatively young and modern research tool rather than a conventional formal approach. To model the knowledge in terms of the basic concepts underlying object-oriented analysis (OOO) approach was implemented. A full OOA model was built through the five main activities of Coad and Yourdon’s OOA system with the potential to enhance construction issues.


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