Ecommerce Website

It's a shopping cart software implemented using Php,MySql,bootstrap,jQuery,Ajax,css etc..Admin panel is developed user friendly containing all the required features like adding new products etc..


Ecommerce Website

It's a shopping cart software implemented using Php,MySql,bootstrap,jQuery,Ajax,css etc..Admin panel is developed user friendly containing all the required features like adding new products etc..

The problem Ecommerce Website solves

This shopping cart software is developed very user friendly containing all the required features like adding new products,views, order details,update,delete,manage product ,sale on products and many more. The needy people or a group of people not having much exposure to vast range of people can use this software and sell their products on a large sacle having a wide reach to people. Moreover it can also be used by some working from home persons getting a very good exposure to the world. This software is very simple to use . That means simple people can i.e, people having not much idea about technology can use it very easily. So it can benefit them to increase the productivity of their products leading to an increase in their economy.People can easily upload their products on this software and can get buyers easily that too from all over the world getting orders. Orders can be easily accessed by the sellers. So it can be very helpful for people who are not getting good buyers for their products.

Challenges we ran into

Every project requires a lot of dedication and hardwork. Similarly working on this software took a lot of time and effort to build it. The main problem faced was the designing of this software. Actually we worked on so many designs but there were some problems in every design like some part looked good and some not, as we know that design is the only thing that the buyers will see and get attracted. So, personally I found it really challenging to design the whole website.
The other difficulty faced was working on the backend and data base of the project.It wa quite challenging as this was the first time we used Php and MySql in backend just for experiment. So it can be said that it was a very good experience working on this project, gained a lot of new experience and found it interesting too.
