eCommerce system  for photocopy shop of IGDTUW

eCommerce system for photocopy shop of IGDTUW

"Bring your ideas to life with high-quality printouts from IGDTUW's online photocopy shop."

The problem eCommerce system for photocopy shop of IGDTUW solves

Many students at ​our​ College rely on the campus photocopy shop for their course materials, but the current system for ordering and paying for copies is time-consuming and confusing, students have to wait in line to place their orders, pay, and then wait again to pick up their copies. This leads to long wait times and frustration for students, and also causes delays for the shop staff. They also threaten the efficiency of future operations. Creating panic situations and fighting to get their prints in a second leads to crankiness, thus hampering other businesses too. The goal of this UX case study is to design an e-commerce system that streamlines the ordering and payment process for the photocopy shop, making it easier and more efficient for students to access their course materials while also reducing wait times and improving the overall customer experience.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Navigation: Creating a clear and intuitive navigation structure that makes it easy for users to find the information they need.

  2. Content: Deciding what content to include on the website and how to present it in a way that is both informative and visually appealing.

  3. Responsiveness: Designing a website that looks and works well on a variety of devices, including desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones.

  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Ensuring that the website is optimized for search engines so that it can be easily found by potential users.

  5. Testing: Testing the website for bugs and usability issues before it is launched.

  6. Maintaining/Updating: Keeping the website updated with new features and security patches.

Tracks Applied (1)

UX Track

Did case study related to topics given to us. User research: Case studies can be used to gather data on user needs, beha...Read More
