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The problem Ecollenger solves

Ecollenger is an application which motivates the user to perform eco-friendly activities in surrounding for maintaining balanced ecosystem.

We tend to provide a platform where user completes the environmental challenges and get rewarded according to the task. Conductiong a Survey we tend to provide the impact created by personel to the surrounding. We promote the eco friendly products and motivate for more production. Tracking the user location we post the events to the specific surrounding or community. Using the app, we hope to decreasing the environmental threats increasing day by day due to human activities.

Challenges we ran into

The first problem was to identify the targetted users and their expectations. We consulted few of our friends and relatives to suggest some thoughts on how this idea can be implemented and which features will motivate them to use this app, take challenges and finally solve environmental threats. Gathering all these ideas, we finally built a prototype.

Technologies used
