

EcoCred ensures decentralized, tamper-proof pollution monitoring, predicts CO2 trends with ML, and enables carbon credit trading, ensuring transparency and corruption-free environmental management.

The problem EcoCred solves

"EcoCred" solves the problem of industries falsifying pollution data through corruption by providing a secure, tamper-proof monitoring system using IoT and blockchain. It also addresses the lack of centralized green credit management and fragmented environmental impact assessment, ensuring transparent, secure, and efficient distribution of green credits, ultimately promoting sustainable practices in industries.

Challenges we ran into

We faced challenges in the "EcoCred" project, including the absence of an ADS module to convert analog signals from the MQ-135 sensor to digital, complicating the environmental data collection. Additionally, gathering a reliable industrial pollution dataset was difficult, impacting the accuracy of our system's assessments. Also the lack of library support in ESP8266 also makes it very hard to integrate Blockchain onto out IOT components but then we used a Raspberry which does have the library support also for ADS we used ESP8266 itself as a Analog to Digital Converter.

Tracks Applied (3)

Best Dapp on Amoy or PoS Mainnet

EcoCred leverages Polygon Amoy to efficiently collect and manage data from IoT sensors, making it an ideal choice for th...Read More


AggLayer Unified Bridge

EcoCred also leverages the Polygon AggLayer Unified Bridge as a critical component of its infrastructure. The AggLayer U...Read More


Best Use of Polygon CDK

EcoCred utilizes Polygon CDK (Chain Development Kit) as a foundational tool to enhance the scalability, customization, a...Read More

